Sunday, September 26, 2010

Running Amok in Cambodia

I had spent the week in Cambodia - no weddings to attend, no lobsters to kill. I was a plain old tourist wandering around the streets of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.

During my first dinner in Phnom Penh, I saw a dish with a funny name on the menu. Fish amok. Images of fishes running (fishes running???) around in a mad frenzy brought a smile to my face. What was this dish about?

The menu went on to explain that this "fish amok" was the national dish of Cambodia, well-loved by young and old. It was a coconut-based curry, with very mild taste compared to Thai or Indian curries.

Running amok!
  My order arrived in a banana-leaf container, very pretty presentation! I have always thought that Thai green curry was my favourite curry in the world, but I had to admit that after my first taste, this dainty banana-leaf boat of rich curry had usurped its position.

For the rest of my holidays, I ordered an amok everywhere I went. They came in slightly different forms: some were served in a fresh coconut, others came in banana leaves. They all had something in common though, all were delicious!

At the Siem Reap airport, I bought a little bottle of spice premix for cooking amok and a Cambodian cookbook. Oh yes, I'm bringing the delightful national dish of Cambodia back home with me!

Run amok with passion.

Have a good week ahead
Love, Suzy

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