Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Four 4 Brunch

I like to entertain at home. Yes, it takes more effort with the cleaning of the apartment and buying some flowers to make it more 'homely'. But, I find it more relaxing, more private and there is no pressure to get the bill.

We had our neighbours (they live in the diagonal apartment to us) over for brunch. In the last year, we have become more than neighbours, we have become friends. So, having them at our apartment has become something rather frequent.

I was trying to create something different besides offering egg benedict or pancakes... So I tried this recipe involving sweet potato cakes, horseradish sauce, sausages, bacon, asparagus and poached eggs.

Sweet Potato Cakes with Horseradish Sauce - serves 4

600g sweet potatoes, shredded
3 eggs
3 heap teaspoon horseradish sauce
2 tablespoons sour cream
Oil for frying
Salt and pepper

Preparation time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 20 mins
Level of difficulty: Easy peasy

Mix the horseradish cream and sour cream in a small bowl until mixed. Set aside.

Add the shredded sweet potatoes in a bowl with eggs, salt and pepper. Mix well.
Pour the oil (I use vegetable) into a frying pan until it has a thickness of about 1cm. Put on medium heat.
When the oil is hot, fry the sweet potato mixture in small batches. About 2 mins on each side or until golden brown. Remove and place on adsorbent paper.
Serve warm with some horseradish sauce.

This is a good alternative to serving bread. It has a nice crispy bite into it and is perfect if you want a fry up breakfast or a laid back brunch. I usually have it with grilled sausages, bacon, asparagus and some nice poached eggs (see kitchen tip#3: Easy Poached Eggs).

Hope you like it and have a good week ahead.

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