Friday, September 24, 2010

OooOOooodles of Noodles!

oooooodles of nooodles!
After a week of decadent steaks and wonderful seafood in London and Paris, I was craving for something a little more Asian. To put it simply, I was dying for some good ol' stir-fry.

If you were at the supermarket last weekend, you might have seen a mad-haired woman dashing around the fresh vegetables section. That would be me. You might have seen me grabbing bundles of green leaves, standing in the middle of the aisle staring into space (I was trying to plan what to cook), heading to the sauces section, coming back again to select more green vegetables... then putting them all back because, in fact, I would only be in Singapore for 30 hours before flying off again for a week. So hungry and so little time to eat! Life can be so hard sometimes... *sigh*

I finally left the supermarket with too much food, a huge smile and an ambitious plan to conquer the world with a wok and some stir fried udon!

Stir-fry Udon - serves 4


3 packets of fresh udon noodles
1 bundle of Chinese heng cai (or substitute with any green leafy vegetable like spinach)
5 or 6 leaves of Chinese cabbage, finely cut.
150g fresh shitake muchrooms, halved
150g prawns, peeled
1 carrot, halved and cut cross-wise
1 white onion, diced
3 cloves of garlic, minced
A generous dash of teriyaki sauce
Some soya sauce and pepper to taste
Cooking oil 

Preparation time: 20 mins 
Cooking time: 20 mins
Level of difficulty: Easy peasy

With the wok on medium heat, gently saute the garlic and onions in cooking oil until fragrant. Add the carrots and Chinese cabbage. Continue cooking, stirring frequently to ensure even cooking.

When the carrots are soft, add the rest of the ingredients with the teriyaki sauce. Mix thoroughly and lower the heat. Cover the lid for a few minutes to steam the ingredients.

Uncover, add the soya sauce and pepper and continue stirring for another 2 minutes. Serve immediately.

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