Thursday, September 23, 2010

Berries on High

I find myself very attracted to berries - Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, any berries. It might have something to do with their colour and how the deep shades of red and purple contrast against any background. Plus they taste so yummy too! This is a little concoction I created, totally inspired by colour.

Have a great F1 weekend!

Small handful of mixed berries, fresh or frozen is fine
50ml vodka
Cream soda to top up, very chilled
Ice (optional)

Pour the vodka into a bowl and add the mixed berries in. Allow to soak in fridge for 1 hour.
Take vodka soaked berries out of fridge and place all its contents into a glass. (if your glass is small, you can divide the contents into 2 portions).
Top up with cream soda and add ice if you like.

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