Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chocolate Grappa Tiramisu

If you know me personally, you know I am a chocoholic. Some friends got me some chocolate grappa for my last birthday and it has been sitting in my fridge for some time now. And it looked lonely... I had planned to make a tiramisu for Suzy since she is coming over tomorrow. So, why not add in some chocolate grappa?

Here's a no fuss recipe you quick fix of chocolism, alcoholism and some might say, coffeelism.

Chocolate Grappa Tiramisu - Serves 4
250ml of espresso (cooled)
1 packet of italian sponge fingers (Savoiardi)
50ml chocolate grappa (you can use Bailey's Irish Cream as well)
250ml mascarpone cheese
1 egg (separated)
1 tablespoon caster sugar
cocoa powder for sprinkling

Preparation time: 25 mins
Cooking time: 0 mins
Level of difficulty: Easy peasy
Pour espresso into a shallow container large enough to dip the sponge fingers horizontally.
Dip sponge fingers in espresso very lightly. The sponge fingers absorb liquid very quickly, so be careful not to soak it.
Line the bottom of a container dish with a layer of sponge fingers.

Whisk the egg yolk and sugar until thick and pale in colour, then fold in the chocolate grappa and mascarpone cheese until a mousse like mixture is formed.
Whisk the egg white until think and frothy, fold into the mascarpone mixture.
Spread half of this onto the top of the sponge fingers.
Repeat with another layer of the espresso-ed sponge fingers on top and spread the remaining mascarpone mixture on top.
Cling wrap and refrigerate overnight or at least 4 hours in advance.
Upon serving, sprinkle cocoa powder over the mascarpone mixture. Use a sieve or the cocoa will be clumpy.
I like using a glass dish to serve my tiramisu(s). The layers are so seductive and look very appetizing.

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