Friday, October 8, 2010

Food on Sticks

Tomatoes, mozza and basil
Bamboo skewers, or satay sticks as they are known in Singapore, provide a quick way to prepare for a casual meal with friends. Children love the fun way to eat; for the adults, it means being able to eat without surrendering their wine glasses!

Skewers of tomato mozzarella

Cherry tomatoes - 3 per stick (get red and orange ones for colour variety)
Small mozzarella balls - 2 per stick
Satay sticks, or bamboo skewers
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Satay sticks, or bamboo skewers 

Preparation time: minimal
Cooking time: none required!
Level of difficulty: easy peasy

Skewer the ingredients in alternate sequence: tomato, basil leaf, mozzarella, basil leaf, tomato, basil leaf, mozzarella, basil leaf, tomato.
Drizzle sparingly with olive oil - better if you have basil flavoured olive oil - and sprinkle with salt and pepper for taste. Continue until the ingredients run out! Keep in the refrigerator until ready for serving.

Similarly, you can have meat on a stick too. For that, I suggest a Turkeish style kofte, minced meat, on a stick.

Kofte on Stick - serves 4-6 

800g minced beef or 1/2 beef 1/2 pork, or you can use minced lamb
2 red onions, finely diced
5 cloves of garlic, minced
Liberal use of chili powder or use chopped fresh chilis
Liberal use of cinnamon powder
Liberal use of Chinese five spice powder
Chopped flat parsley leaves (substitute with mint leaves if you're using minced lamb)
Chopped corriandar leaves
1 egg, beaten
Salt and pepper to taste
Oil for brushing
Satay sticks, or bamboo skewers
Flour or breadcrumbs (optional) 

Preparation time: 5mins
Cooking time: 30mins
Level of difficulty: easy peasy

Preheat the oven to 200 degC and soak the 12 sticks in water.
Put all the listed ingredients in a big bowl and mix well using your hands. If the mixture is too wet, you might want to add some flour or breadcrumbs. Divide the meat into 12 equal portions and shape into long sausage shapes around the sticks.
Put the meat sticks onto an oven tray that has been brushed with oil. Turn the sticks occasionally to ensure even cooking. Grill for 30 minutes or until thoroughly cooked.

Serve with cucumber yoghurt on the side.

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