Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cocktail of the Week

"Can I have a Metropolis please?" That was what the girl in a lycra tight tube dress said to the bartender, flicking her coupon for house-pours in his face. He leaned over and whispered into her ear, " Sorry darling, that is not covered by the door charge. How about a bourbon coke?" She gave a blank look, recovered in 2 seconds and muttered, " of course". I haven't had a Metropolis in a long time... since I last watched Sex and the City as a series (not the movie, come on...). So here is something so simple to make, yet gracefully girlie, my secret (or not) recipe to a Metropolis! Enjoy it with your legs propped up on the sofa, music playing in the background, candles burning and knowing that the weekend is almost here.



25ml vodka

25ml creme de cassis

Champagne to top up

Mix the vodka and creme de cassis in a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake hard. Strain into a martini glass and top up with champagne. Hold gracefully with perfectly manicured fingers and sip.

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