Sunday, October 10, 2010

Night Out with Christian Constant

Another week spent in Paris again. Work happened to bring me back to the beautiful City of Lights and Good Food twice within a month. Lucky me.

I discovered a nice restaurant near the office - actually I have heard many good things about it for a long time, but as they don't take reservations and I never seemed to be able to make it there ahead of the crowd, I have not had the honour to taste their food yet... until last week, that is.

The restaurant in question? Les Cocottes, by chef Christian Constant. I had been to the Cafe Constant a few doors down several times, and had never been disappointed.

I did a check on wiktionary for the meaning of "cocotte", and it came up with chicken (child talk), darling (colloquial), casserole and promiscuous woman. Well, the first three I knew, but the fourth? Intriguing!

I was sold, I suggested to my friend that we go there on the first evening that I was in town. Ok, it might be more of a demand than a suggestion... But who can say no to this darling little restaurant where chicken casseroles are served by promiscuous women?

The decor of the restaurant was very moden, with tall bar stool seats for all the guests. Not very comfortable to eat with feet dangling off the high chairs but judging from the long queue of eager diners at 8pm on a Monday night, making customers comfortable probably wasn't very high on their priority list. The food was.

French Wood Pigeon

Potatoes Stuffed with Pig's Feet
We shared a starter of cold meat. I ordered a French wood pigeon for my main course while my friend had a dish that was eloquently described on the menu as "potatoes stuffed with pig's feet". As we have learnt, in France, grossly named dishes were often the best traditional food that the country could offer. We were not wrong. Both our main dishes were very good. My pigeonneau, as it is called in French, was a tad undercooked but the sauce swung the vote from me. It was robust without being heavy, and went harmoniously with the vegetables.

The highly enjoyable dinner ended with me ordering the Fabulous Christian Constant Chocolate Tart while my friend went for the waffle with chantilly cream and salted caramel. My chocolate tart was good but wasn't that fabulous but the waffle certainly was. I should know, because 2 evenings later, I was back at the restaurant and ordered the waffle on that visit. Not someone with a sweet tooth, I was never very big on desserts... But the salted caramel sauce piqued my interest and I wanted to go back to investigate it further.

Investigation findings: The chantilly cream was light and unsweetened while the salted caramel was salty with a tinge of sweetness and a smooth toffee finish - everything that a salted caramel should be. The lightness of the cream and the saltiness of the caramel went perfectly with the crispy light waffle. They even offered it in half portions!

Fabulous Chocolate Tart (foreground) and the Amazing Waffle with Chantilly Cream and Salted Caramel Sauce (background)
My order on the second night was crispy cod, which aptly described the food when it arrived on the enameled cocotte. No surprises there, it was simply crispy on the outside, cod in the inside. And it was delicious. After these two visits, it is certain that Les Cocottes have made it to my list of Top 10 favorite restaurants in Paris.

I don't think I will have any more trips to Paris before 2011, what a pity. I would have loved to dine at Les Cocottes again very soon. But I have a few trips within Asia lined up. So watch this space, as I revisit old favourites and discover new restaurants in Tokyo and Shanghai in the coming weeks. *Excited*

Les Cocottes
135, rue St Dominique
Paris 75007
(no reservations)

Be well. Eat well.

Love, Suzy

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