Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pita on the Go

Some days I am inspired, some days I am creative and just like any other person, some days I am lazy. Today is a lazy day... Hard day at the office, hard journey driving back with maniacs cutting into my lane and hard time thinking of what to cook.

Here is a super duper lazy meal, I enjoy it and I hope you do too. Lazy days are here to stay...

Pita on the Go - serves 2

2 pieces pita bread, bought from any supermarket
2 pieces of sirloin steak
150g cherry tomatoes, halved
Half a Japanese cucumber, chopped into nibble size
Half a small red onion, diced
6-7 leaves of fresh mint, chopped
3 tablespoons of plain yogurt
Pinch of salt and pepper
Dollop of herb butter

Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 10 mins
Level of difficulty: Easy peasy

Mix the tomatoes, cucumber, onions, mint and yogurt in a bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Heat a griddle or a frying pan (fp) until hot. I use a griddle to create those lovely grill marks!
While the griddle/fp is heating, split the pita bread into half (the pita bread is already pre-cut in packaging) and cut each half into quarters. So you have 8 quarters from each pita bread.
Place the pita quarters on the griddle to toast. Remove when the quarters are slightly brown and crispy. Set aside.
Using the same griddle (it's clean so just re-use it, no washing required)
Add some herb butter to the griddle/fp until melted and cook the sirloin for 2mins on each side.
Now place the pita quarters on a large plate, top with the yogurt dressing and sirloin steak.
Finally, add a little more herb butter for a more creamy, rich finish.

TIP: Herb butter can be created by mixing your favorite chopped fresh herbs into melt butter and refrigerating it.

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