Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kitchen Tip#2: Ants, Ants Go Away

Picture by Mike Plante -
 With unpredictable weather in Singapore, we get unpredictable ant attacks.
Last week has been bizarre, rain, shine, scotching hot, thunderstorm, flood and shine again. The ants staying in my apartment suddenly started coming out to socialise. They were everywhere!

I am a clean freak, I do not leave anything in the open, food go in air tight containers, in the fridge, in boxes or in my tummy. So, I couldn't understand why the ants were out and about, thus blaming the weather. They were crawling in from the windows and onto the tabletops, chairs, stove, walls.. and I started to get stressed.

My husband got me some ant poison which the shop had convinced him was the best (the BEST they said!). It came in a tube, looked like superglue and was suppose to get rid of the ants within 3 days. I applied them everywhere, but the ants never went away.

Since that didn't work, I complained to my mum as usual. She is the answer guru, the know-all, the enlightener and the most dear to my heart. She told me to get some chalk and draw over the infested areas. I thought she was joking but did as I was told...

Surprisingly, ants do not like chalk!! Within 2 days, the apartment was cleared! Ok, I still get the random crawler(s) here and there but life is back to normal. Besides, you can improve on your sketching skills at the same time.

Have fun!

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