Friday, November 26, 2010

Thai Calamari Salad

I have a love-hate relationship with calamari. I love the taste and tender texture of well-prepared calamari. For some strange reasons, it always evokes thoughts of the Amalfi Coast in Italy... Strange because I'm sure that I didn't have any squid when I was there. Perhaps I associate good calamari with warm fuzzy thoughts of Italy. Ahhh, Italy.... *sigh*

But I hate calamari when its texture becomes rubbery. Like microwaved calamari rings or squid that we find with fried noodles in Singapore. I can't figure out whether it is due to overcooking (my theory) or undercooking (le Monsieur's theory). Never mind, one look at the succulent white rubber band would send me shuddering for the rest of the meal. *shivers*

This Thai calamari salad has never failed me. Scoring the insides of the calamari makes the tough interior less tough and chewy. You know it's perfectly cooked when it curls up. Not too overcooked or undercooked, just well-cooked and tender - the way calamari is meant to be enjoyed.

Thai Calamari Salad - serves 2
2 cleaned calamari
2 japanese cucumber, sliced thinly
2 red shallots, diced finely
1 handful of coriander, cut finely
Cooking oil

Dressing sauce
1 red chili, deseeded and diced finely
1 tablespoon fish sauce
Juice of 1 green lime
1 teaspoon of sugar (optional)

Preparation time: 20 mins
Cooking time: 10 mins

Put the cucumber, shallots and coriander in a big bowl. Leave to chill in the fridge. In a small mixing bowl, mix the ingredients for the dressing sauce. If using sugar, stir until all the sugar has been dissolved. Set aside.

Open up the calamari, cut into 2 pieces. Score the inside of the calamari in a crisscross pattern. and slice into 3 cm strips.

Heat up some cooking oil in a frying pan on high heat. When hot, place the calamari, score-side down, on the pan and cook until golden and crispy on the edges. Flip over and cook until curled. Remove from heat and add into the bowl with cucumber, shallots and coriandar. Toss quickly with dressing sauce.

Serve immediately. To make it into a meal, you may serve with a bowl of steaming white rice.

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