Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Clams in White Wine Sauce

"Can we have seafood for dinner please? I have enough of curry and meat. The food in India is too heavy", says my husband over the phone. He was boarding the plane from India on his way home, after 3 weeks. Seafood.... I could do something with fish or prawns...hmmmm... But I wanted to make something special (special usually involves alcohol) and yet, light.

This dish, totally inspired by the menu from Brussels Sprouts came to mind. Clams in white wine sauce, with sauce you can practically drink! Here's how to start.

1 packet fresh clams (I used 1kg for 2 people), washed
4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 yellow onion, sliced thinly
150g cherry tomatoes, washed and kept whole
Handful of thyme and basil
3/4 cup chicken stock
White wine to top up
Olive oil

Preparation time: 10 mins 
Cooking time: 20 mins
Level of difficulty: Easy peasy

Heat some olive oil in a deep saucepan.
Add the garlic and onions, stir until brown.
Add in the tomatoes, thyme and chicken stock, stir and cover.
Once the stock starts to simmer, add in clams and white wine until the clams are just covered by the wine. Cover and wait until you see the clams open.
Uncover, stir, tear in basil, leave to simmer for an additional 2-3mins and serve in a bowl with a fresh baguette.  
If you prefer a thicker texture to the sauce, you can add some cream into the sauce just before serving.

The sauce is very tasty and if you are not too careful, slurping up the whole pot might just get you drunk! 

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