Sunday, October 3, 2010

Airline Food

Believe it or not, Suzy is on the road again this week. Another long-haul flight, another 24 hours of sleeplessness watching movies, another 4 airline meals for the week. Having been on the road 3 weeks out of the recent 4, it is understandable that I am feeling a little wary of being in the air again.

Thanks to the recent onslaught of economic crisis, I have been flying economy class, tipping the travelling experience from mildly pleasant to pain in the butt.

*Psssst...* Rumour has it that the top management have deviously started flying in the hallowed business class... But I digress, *ahem* let's talk about food, which is infinitely more interesting than office politics and abuse of power.

Where was I? Ah yes. Flying in economy class, I have met with a mix of surprisingly good offerings and downright inedible mush. Usually on the red eye to Europe, I am often impressed by the steak dinner offered on the menu. The medium-well meat is tender and though i would prefer it a little more bloody, it was far above the mediocre standards of airline food.

Breakfast is quite another animal. After 10 hours or so cooped up on an un-ergonomically designed seat, the breakfast offering never succeeds to lift up my spirits.

Omelette or noodles?

Glumly, I would go for the noodles because at least it's served with chili. And at that point, I do need them endorphines!

Soon after the breakfast trays are collected and stowed away, the plane would land, followed by immigration control, baggage collection and an arduous commute to the hotel.

And that's when the fun begins again - bonjour Paris!

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