Sunday, December 5, 2010


All lined up, and eyes looking front!
The first time I had mash potatoes was in KFC at Bukit Merah Central. They were known as Kentucky Fried Chicken then, and served with real plates and cutlery. What a treat it was! The flavour and texture was completely new to me then. The mushroomy chickeny gravy was delicious. I could eat tubs of it, and I did.

The first time I tasted homemade mash potatoes was when my German housemate Susie (not Suzy) made it. She used her Grandma's secret recipe that required raw egg yorks, milk, cream, butter and salt. Try as I did, I could never get the proportions right. I've lost contact with Susie now so I'm kicking myself for not paying more attention in the kitchen years ago.

But the taste of the Susie's mash made me sit up and take notice. The yellow of the mash was as intense as the texture was creamy smooth. The taste was rich, but didn't take anything away from the comfort reassurance of potatoes that we knew so well. She had taken the humble mash potatoes to a whole new level in my universe. Never had I tasted pureed root vegetables like that! Susie's Grandma was truly a genius.

These days, with low-carb diets being fashionable, and the proportion of obese Singaporeans increasing, mash potatoes are a great no-no on the dining table. "No carbs after 8pm," declared a friend. Another friend quipped that it was supposed to be 6pm. Yet another said: "No carbs all day long!"

A great pity, I think. Because out there, Susie and the Grandma, are still churning out their amazing mash potatoes. Given the chance, I will eat them anytime, night or day.

Did I mention how creamy smooth it was...? MmmmmmMMMmmmmmmm...

Have a good week ahead

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