Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chocolate Ganache Tart

It has been such a wet week that I crave comfort food and a nice romantic film. This recipe has been with me through heartbreaks, joys, celebrations and tears. So I am going to share this with you, in hope that you too will rely on it the same way I have.

Like an old friend who lends a shoulder to cry on, this chocolate tart makes me feel like a "queen of the hill"! Aren't chocolates your best friend yet??!

Enjoy with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream...

Chocolate Ganache Tart- serves 6 to 8

Preparation time: 20 mins
Cooking time: Half the morning
Level of difficulty: Easy peasy

Sweet Shortcrust Pastry (cocoa flavor)
225g plain flour
125g butter, chilled and cut into small cubes
80g icing sugar
25g cocoa
3 egg yolks
1 tablespoon iced water

300g good quality dark chocolate (at least 70%), chopped
250ml single cream

We start with making the pastry-
Place flour, butter, cocoa and sugar in the bowl of a food processor and process in pulses until mixture looks like breadcrumbs.
Slowly add in the egg yolks and water in between processing the mixture. Once the dough is formed, take it out and place it on a lightly floured surface. Shape the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for an hour.
Preheat the oven to 180'C.
Take the dough out from the refrigerator and roll it out between 2 sheet of non-stick paper to about 3mm thickness.
Line a lightly greased tart tin (22cm-loose bottom) with pastry.
Trim edges and fork the pastry to prevent blisters. Refrigerate for 30mins.
Take pastry out and place a non-stick backing paper on top and fill with rice(uncooked) or baking weights. Pop into the oven for 15mins.
Remove the paper and rice/baking weights and bake for an additional 10 mins until the pastry is light golden.
Set aside to cool.

While the pastry is cooling,place the chocolate and cream in a small saucepan over low heat and stir until melted and smooth.
Allow mixture to stand for 10 mins or until slightly thicken.
Pour chocolate mixture into the pastry shell and gently tap to remove any air bubbles. Refrigerate for 2 hours.

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