Friday, December 3, 2010

Cold Tofu

This is one of my mama's speciality. It's healthy and simply to prepare, and best of all, it's perfect for the hot weather - very important criteria for a busy mother with 3 hyperactive kids. We usually had it for lunch, when the noon day heat made us cranky and restless.

The crunchy shallot bits were my favourite parts. It was a race against my brothers to be the first to scrap them off the top and spoon them into my mouth, before they soften in the sauce.

Now, it's the silky texture of the tofu that that I appreciate, and the cool taste in my mouth. It almost slows down time and calms me down after a stressful day at work.

Let's just sit back and enjoy this beautiful dish of cold fresh tofu.

1 block of fresh silky tofu

Coriandar, chopped
Spring onions, finely cut
1 tablespoon of fried shallots
1 red chili, finely sliced (optional)

1 tablespoon of dark soya sauce
Half tablespoon of sesame oil

Preparation time: 5 mins
Cooking time: None required
Level of difficulty: Easy peasy

Open the pack of tofu and drain off the liquid. Carefully transfer the tofu to a small serving plate. Mix the ingredients for the sauce and dribble over the tofu. Garnish with the herbs and fried shallot. Serve very cold.

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