Friday, September 3, 2010

Sweet as Flower Crabs

Crabs getting cozy in the steamer
Autumn arrives and although we enjoy summer conditions all year round in Singapore, I always look forward to the roe-filled crabs that autumn brings! Giant Sri Lankan crabs galore! But we often forget about the local flower crabs with their delicately sweet meat. I saw some at the supermarket the other day. *excited*

Lovely flower prints
Sweet as Flower Crabs - 1 Crab per person

Fresh flower crabs
A dash of mirin

Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 10 mins
Level of difficulty: Easy peasy

You need to clean the crabs under running water, pry off the triangular section on the underside and remove the gills. Rinse thoroughly.

Place the crabs on a steaming basket or plate, add a dash of mirin to enhance the sweetness. Steam for around 10 minutes until the shells are bright orange-red in colour. Remove from heat and serve.

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