Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dinner for One, Please...

My husband travels a lot for work. For example, he was in Thailand on Friday and Saturday, got in Sunday morning at about 1 am and left for India at 6 pm today to catch his evening flight.

Cooking for myself can sometimes be a challenge. But being the food lover I am, I cannot settle for instant noodles with an egg - that reminds me too much of my uni days and long gone are those days!

So this evening, while he sits on his Singapore Airlines flight to India, eating the nicely packed aluminum foil container filled with pipping hot curry and rice, I sat down in our balcony with candlelights, a glass of chilled Sauvignon Blanc and a nice large plate of Dinner for One.

Dinner for One - serves only 1

Roasted tomatoes and cheese on bread with basil and dill dressing
Half loaf of good quality ciabatta bread
1 large clove garlic, peeled and halved
100g cherry tomatoes, halved
1 packet buffalo mozzarella, sliced/peeled
1 1/2 teaspoon dijon mustard
1/2 cup chopped basil leaves
1/4 cup chopped dill leaves
1 tablespoon sherry vinegar
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon caster sugar
extra virgin olive oil for drizzling

Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 15 mins
Level of difficulty: Easy peasy

Preheat the oven to 200'C.
Mix basil, dill, vinegar, oil and sugar in bowl. Set aside.
Rub the garlic halves on the ciabatta bread.
Spread lightly the dijon mustard on the bread.
Top the bread with cherry tomatoes and drizzle with olive oil. Place on tray and cook in oven for 10 mins, or until tomatoes are cooked and bread is golden.
Place the mozzarella over the tomatoes and spoon over the basil and dill dressing.

I guess even though it gets somewhat lonely when he is not around, I do enjoy my own company, sitting outside with the cool breeze blowing in my face and sipping my glass of wine, especially when its accompanied by a nice simple meal for one.

To all you wives out there, braving the housework alone while your husbands are away, here's one to you! Cheers and *gulp* (that wine went down real quick...)

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