Sunday, November 14, 2010

To eat or not to eat...

I'd queued for an hour in the cold for this on my previous trip - but it was worth it!
... that is the question.

I love to eat. That's the simplistic way of looking at it. I love more than the actual act of consuming food. I love thinking about what to eat, where to go or if I'm cooking at home, I love planning what to cook, how to balance the taste and colours so that the palette and the eyes are titillated before the tastebuds.

And with the wedding date creeping closer, I have started thinking seriously about *gasp* losing weight. It's almost a sacrilegious thought for me. Going on diet? That is a huge no-no for me since my teenage days when I saw many close friends succumb to anorexia to achieve that fashionably skinny look.

But although I have no dreams of being a princess on my big day, I don't want to be a pumpkin either. And a pumpkin in a white dress is not at all a pretty sight.

I'm off again tonight, to Tokyo this time. Will I be able to resist the temptations of Japanese delicacies?

To eat or not to eat...

Appreciate what you have, have a glorious week ahead.

Love, Suzy

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