Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chocolate Martini

I had dinner with Suzy yesterday evening and as usual, we had a blast. She took me to try out this cozy yakitori restaurant on the 5th floor of Far East Plaza and it was yummy! Suzy and I go back a few years. We met at work while I was posted abroad and she had just come back to Singapore after living in Paris for a couple of years. So, being two Singaporeans working for a French company, I guess it was natural that we started to stick together when we met at common meetings or seminars overseas. She became my familiar face and the closest link I had to home. 

In those days, I would sometimes come back for ad-hoc assignments and share Suzy's huge office room (you could fit an army in there). Typically, I would start at 9am and work till I was frustrated and desperate a drink.... which conveniently would be at 4.30pm. Just in time to drag Suzy to Morton's at Mandarin Oriental for their free flow of steak sandwiches while sipping their famous martinis. It was also at Morton's that I drank my first ever chocolate martini! So today, I tried to re-make this delicious concoction... tailored to my taste. 

All gone in a gulp!
25ml vodka
50ml chocolate liqueur (I used my favorite chocolate grappa)
Cinnamon stick (option)
Ice cubes
Cocktail shaker

Put the ice into the cocktail shaker.
Pour in the vodka and chocolate liqueur.
Strain into a martini glass.
Add a cinnamon stick for an extra flavour, optional. 

Have a great weekend ahead! xx

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