Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Quesadillas (3 flavours)

Ok, panic...!! 3 others are coming over for a quick bite before we head out for a movie. It's 5pm and they are arriving in an hour. What to do...what to do...

Quick search in the fridge...cheddar cheese, parma ham, prawns, avocados, tomatoes, new pack of buffalo mozzarella cheese and some leftover roast herb chicken from Cold Storage. And wait.....! A packet of tortilla wraps! Wee-hay!

Very simple quesadillas on the way!

Quesadillas (3 flavours) - serves 4-5

Preparation time: 20 mins

Cooking time: 10 mins
Level of difficulty: easy peasy
Making the quesadillas:
A packet of tortilla wraps
Salt and pepper

Olive oil for brushing

Heat the griddle as you assemble the quesadillas.
Place the tortilla wrap on the work top, cover half of it with filling - recipes below.

Fold the tortilla wrap in half so it looks like a semi-circle.
Brush both sides of the wrap with olive oil before putting it on the hot griddle.
Grill for a minute on each side or until the wrap is slightly brown.
Carefully transfer the tortilla onto a board and cut into 3 triangles.
Place on a plate to serve.


Parma Ham, tomatoes and mozzarella
Parma ham
Buffalo mozzarella cheese, sliced
Basil leaves torn
Tomatoes, thinly sliced and pat dry (this prevents excess juice from overflowing)

Cover half the tortilla with parma ham and tomatoes, scatter basil and carefully place the mozzarella slices on top. Sprinkle some pepper.

Guacamole and prawns


Coriander leaves torn
1/4 diced red onion
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 large chili, deseeded and finely sliced

Boil the prawns, remove the shell and slice into halves.
Cut the avocado into half, be careful of the seed in the middle.
Scoop the flesh into a bowl together with diced red onion, coriander and chili.
Squeeze 1/4 lemon juice into bowl and use a fork to mash the ingredients together.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Cover half the tortilla wrap with a think layer of guacamole and prawns.

Roast chicken and cheese

Cheddar cheese
Roast chicken (any flavour)

Shred the roast chicken and scatter on half the tortilla wrap. Sprinkle cheddar cheese on top of the chicken.

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