Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kitchen Tip#1: Getting Rid of Garlic Smell

Garlic Cloves
"Garlic soap", said the label of a small box.

Curious, I took a closer look. It promised to remove the pungent smell of garlic from our hands if we rub our hands with it under cold running water. And hence the name soap. Anyone who has spent some time chopping garlic would know that the pungent medicinal smell of the bulb remains even after soap.

I tried it at home... 

And it worked!

It was as effective for onions too. Inquisitive as I was, I tried rubbing my fingers with a stainless steel fork - same results. Apparently (though not scientifically proven), the sulphur compounds that give onions and garlic their characteristic smells bind to stainless steel surfaces.

No more worries about smelly fingers after preparing a romantic dinner for your loved one. All we need now is a remedy for garlicky breath for that passionate after-dinner kiss...

Kitchen Tip#1: Rubbing your hands with a piece of stainless steel under cold running water is an effective way of the smell of the onion and garlic from them.

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